Past Boards

2017-2018 From Left to Right: Matt, Ken, Jordyn, Katie, David, Angie, Yue, Tomas, Yi-Hung, (not pictured: Julia)

2015-2016 From Left to Right: (Top) Boyi, Rose, Dilhara, Kathleen, Julia, Marla, David, Victor, Tersi, Wu (Bottom) Bea, Baird, Yi-Hung, DanielBoard-2015-2016




[no picture]


President: Baird Langenbrunner

Vice president: Seth Saslo

Treasurer: Xin An

Secretary: Kathleen Schiro

Student-Faculty Representative: Daniel Walton, Daniel Russel

Student Recruitment Chair: Marla Schwartz, Catalina Oaida

Web Manager: Victor Pinto

Outreach representative: Daniel Dauhajre



2012–2013 From Left to Right: (Top) Baird, Daniel

(Bottom) Catalina, Kathleen, Aaron, Chao, Victor
